"You better run, squirrel."

Squirrel is a medium-sized rodent with a long bushy tail. It was also a slang term given to someone fast, like a squirrel.


One of the Palace Saloon old timers, Zeke, called Marty McFly a squirrel to motivate him to escape from Buford Tannen, as Marty had gotten on the criminal's bad side.

In the 1986G timeline, Biff Tannen had many dogs prior to the Hill Valley Code banning them. Among several offenses, his dogs ate several squirrels in the park.

Prior to being commanded by Edna to assault George McFly and steal his surveillance tapes, Biff was feeding some bologna to a squirrel.[1]



  1. Biff mentions this to Marty when asked what he remembered happening when his dad's tapes were stolen in Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 3: Citizen Brown.